ENVM 6100: Sustainability in Brazil (May 2023)
This Maymester Global Intensive course focuses on the realities faced by those living in and near Brazil’s Amazon and Atlantic Forests and the complex challenges of promoting long-term sustainable development while conserving tropical forests which are critical for mitigating climate change, conserving biodiversity, and safeguarding cultures and ways of life. After a week of class at CU Boulder, we travel to Brazil where we partner with Brazilian students and professors. For two weeks, we meet with leaders, governmental officials, NGOs, businesses, and communities in Amazonas, Brazil's Rio Negro region and in Southern Bahia's Ilhéus and Itacaré region.
ENVM 5054: Stakeholder Engagement: Processes, Practices, Politics (Spring 2023)
Stakeholder engagement is critical for creating resilient, equitable, and engaged communities, projects, and processes. But who are stakeholders, exactly, and how can we design meaningful processes that consider and incorporate diverse perspectives? This course analyzes and applies stakeholder engagement skills through a series of timely and pressing case studies and group projects. This course is organized around MENV’s 5 thematic tracks and applies stakeholder issues, challenges, and opportunities (inclusivity and engagement; effective planning strategies and processes; resiliency and sustainability, etc.) to pressing social, environmental, and economic issues of our time.